Structural B-Class Details:
Structural B-Class Hoardings are an improvement to scaffolding systems suitable particularly for erection on a footpath's, public way and Operating roadways / Laneways to allow pedestrian passage as well as vehicular traffic thereunder but to protect pedestrians and vehicles from possible falling debris associated with building construction or demolition whilst supporting scaffolds overhead, site accommodation and stored materials.
Speedy Gantry Hire Implement's the use of structural steel with its pre-fabricated modular hoarding deck to be able to tailor a design to suit hoarding. These bespoke hoardings are designed to achieve specific tasks that the propriety modular system cannot.
Typically, these structural B-Class Hoardings are fabricated to span over laneways and are referred to as a laneway hoarding though our structural B-Class Hoarding systems aren't limited to just laneways. Our B-Class Hoarding systems are tailored to suit any site need or condition.
Designed, Manufactured, Erected and dismantled all in house allows us to assure the highest of quality and service.
All Bespoke Structural B-Class Hoarding systems are designed and certified to the following standards: